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3 Reasons Why Publicity Is A Long Term Commitment With Amazing ROI

Some businesses that hire a PR firm want quick leads and immediate media coverage. This type of “quick fix” thinking rarely serves the longer term needs of building a strong and loyal brand presence and following. Sustainable, reputation building PR efforts take time. Here are three reasons short-term thinking will ultimately kill your results.

1. Clients end their relationship with their PR firm too quickly because they haven’t seen quick results.

Yes, we know you want to be featured in Forbes, and want to secure a speaking spot on the Morning Show, but the process to actually get there may take months of securing smaller placements first. When hiring a PR firm, if you aren’t thinking of building a relationship past a minimum of 3 months, it might be best not to waste your money. Understand that the media works on its own timetable, and it is almost guaranteed to be much longer than your expectations. Plan on building a long term relationship with a PR firm that is strategically planning six month to one year long media coverage goals.

2. We live in a world of information overload and people will forget you quickly.

While it’s true that people might see your business in a magazine or article and gain a favorable impression of you, they will probably forget about you within a few days without constant exposure to your brand. People remember the companies they read about over and over again, and begin forming long term positive associations with. How do you do that? You obtain consistent media placement on various platforms with a reputable PR firm who pitches a story, your story, that brings value to media viewers.

3. You miss the big story.

The media bends for no one, and often has long deadlines for when a story will launch. With this being the norm, those who try to implement short-term PR strategies miss out on many other opportunities for placement they could have gotten if they were just a little more patient. The more media placement you receive, the more of your key messaging is communicated to your audience, which leads to stronger brand equity over time.

Call Elev8 Consulting Group today at 386.243.5388 to learn more about our spectacular publicity campaigns that get YOU noticed!